A Simple Man
I'm the first one to admit that, for better or worse, I tend to see things differently than most do. Even when we are looking at the same things.
Subsequently I occasionally find myself in somewhat contentious situations. And what those who know me intimately will tell you, keeping it PG13, is that I can be rather dogmatic at times, which doesn't help matters much. Neither does being raised in Brooklyn NY.
But they know my heart as God knows my heart, and albeit my bedside manner may not be to many peoples liking, the medicine is usually the right prescription.
I AM NOT a formally trained theologian. I Do Not have any designations before or after my name, or pieces of paper hanging on my wall, accolades of men declaring my position within the body of Christ.
I know who and what I was without Christ and I know who and what I am in Him. I believe the word of God over the words of any man and hold them as true above all other words.
I also believe that far too many Christians have gone the way of the Pharisees rather than "the way" of Jesus, and that these are the ones who have received strong delusion that they would believe a lie. Not the other way around!
Within these pages you will find "what I believe" to be the truth of God's word, based on my understanding of the spirit of His word, as recorded within the new testament scriptures.
And this to the end that someone might see or hear something that help them to draw closer to the way, the truth, and the life that our Father God Desires us to possess.
Amen & Amen
Special thanks to God for sending my Brother in Christ, Pastor David Walters, into my life some 15 years ago to advise me on the spiritual leg of my journey.