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The Way, The Truth, and The Life


I am the light of the world.
I am the bread of life.

I am the door of the sheep.

I am the good shepherd.
I am the resurrection.

I am the way, the truth, and the life.

I am the true vine.

I Receive Not
Honor From Men!

   I honestly believe that the majority of those who receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord do so with a true heart.  I believe that they have humbled themselves to see the flaws within themselves, confessed those things that are against God to God, repented of them, and have received the sacrificial Christ as payment (atonement) for those sins (in their minds anyway). All of which, for all intents and purposes, makes them saved from the wrath of God to come.  These then become spiritually born again,  baptized in the Spirit, and subsequently become eligible to become the sons\daughters of God.

(Joh 1:12)


You see, albeit receiving salvation is for lack of a better term, one and done, it is really only the first step towards becoming a son or daughter of God.  


Being born again is liken to an athlete coming out of the starting blocks in a track-meet.  No matter how fast he or she gets out of the starting blocks they still have a race ahead of them that doesn't end until we are standing before our Lord (reach the finish line).


I have seen far too many Christians come out of the blocks overflowing with the Spirit, literally on fire for God, and not even run the race much less finish it.   I've seen people who were fighting demons (homosexuality, pornography, ect) in the spirit and winning in the flesh only to end up worse than they began, and I have seen many fighting many fights that have already been fought and won by our Lord Jesus!


Christian believers have been leaving the rank and file for decades and that number is increasing with each passing year.  And a large percentage are not necessarily converting to other religions of any kind (unless you consider secular humanism, atheism and alike to be religions, which I happen to agree with).  Some are simply fleeing organized religion and others, sadly, are fleeing from God.

This is CLEARLY not the way of our Lord and CLEARLY not the way that God established from the beginning.

The question here is:
What is the truth which leads to the way that leads to the life, and where can we find it?

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