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Systematic Theology

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The Wide Road

The question here is:
What Is Systematic Theology?


Systematic Theology, in short, is man's (the created) attempt to understand God (The Creator) through a man made system which attempts to set in order and demonstrate the coherence of the theology of the classic core texts of the bible.


The Next Question is:
Do you see anything wrong with this picture?


If you do not see anything wrong here then I would like to provide you with some food for thought!

The words of the wise are as goads and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies which are given from one shepherd and further by these my son be admonished of making many books there is no end and much study is a weariness of the flesh.   (Ecc 12:11-14) 

Scriptures tell us that much study is a weariness of the flesh yet those who sit in Moses' seat within the Christian church tell us that "much study" is desired of us by our God, is the way to pleasing our Father, and is the way of drawing closer to Him.


Now these people, these "theologians". generally speaking are in my opinion modern day pharisees who like their fathers before them believe themselves holy while having conformed to the age, believe themselves wise yet are really blind guides, and most importantly of all, they believe themselves righteous when they are not.


Is it not true that Satan knows scriptures better than any theologian?  Does that make him acceptable to God?  Is God pleased with him? 


Didn't the Pharisees, Sadducee's, scribes and lawyers know the scriptures chapter and verse?  Was Jesus pleased with them?


God did not give mankind His written word (the letter) as an academic exercise, He gave us the letter of the word to reveal the spirit of the word so that we can live spiritual lives, now, today, here on earth.

To that end we have been given Holy Spirit who will, among many other things, lead us onto all truth, teach us all things, and give us what to say when we need to speak them.  He will anoint us with the spiritual gift or gifts needed to complete the work that He has for us to do.

Now I am not saying that there are not some spirit filled preachers and teachers out there who have come out of cemetery school with their spirit's intact.  What I am saying however is that I have personally seen many young spirit filled believers who were on fire for God before going to cemetery school come out the other end filled with the wisdom of men/women and for all intents and purposes, quite carnally minded as were the Pharisees.


If Holy Spirit is leading why would one need to study how to preach to different denominations as do the theologians?


If Holy Spirit is teaching why would one need to study the doctrines of these denominations to teach them?

If scriptures say that the study of many books is a weariness of the flesh why are we told to and do otherwise?

More importantly, why do we so readily partake of the dainty meats of the Pharisees? (Pro 23:6)




The Narrow Road

The narrow road leads to the narrow way through the straight gate to The Door that is Jesus Christ.  To get there one must renew their minds so that they can prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God, and to get there one must present their bodies as living sacrifices and not be conformed to the "world" (eon - age)   (Rom 12)


These things have I've written unto you concerning them that seduce you, but the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you and ye need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things,
and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

(1John 2:26)

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