This Site Is About Constitutional Activism/Auditing
What it is and is not!

What Constitutional Auditing Is About
This site is about the free exercise of the immutable liberties granted to the citizenry by our Bill of Rights, the 1st Amendment right to film in public in-particular. Which, because of ignorance and/or outright deception on the part of law enforcement officials, often leads to the need for a citizen exercise their
2nd, 4th, 5th and or 10th amendment rights.
Even more so it is about holding authorities sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution accountable for their actions, or inaction's, when they are in contact with the citizenry.
The issue of law enforcement abusing it's perceived authority has been well documented since the days of Tammany Hall, and over that time the citizenry has grown so accustom to surrendering their Constitutional rights to "law enforcement officers", mostly out of fear, without a second thought.
It's like some kind Stockholm Syndrome!

What Constitutional Auditing Is Not About
The most common narrative put out to the public by law enforcement, and public officials in general, is that "they" (constitutional auditors) are just here to start trouble and create a law suit"! The video evidence proves the contrary, however;
EVEN IF the video evidence supported the claim, it would take dropped or dismissed charges, grounds for a law suit, a trial by judge or jury, an verdict, and an monetary judgment made
before any Activist/Auditor could collect damages.
Which means that the "Public Servants" would have had to have done something incorrectly, or the charges wouldn't have been dismissed. Not to mention that dropping the charges is paramount to being a literal Cop Out to avoid publicity.
Constitutional Activists/Auditors exercising this
constitutionally protected activity is not about provoking
law enforcement officers into litigation,
it's about educating those ignorant of the law, both citizens and public servants alike, exposing those who know the law,
and are blatantly indifferent to it in-spite of their
sworn oaths before God to uphold!