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Your Best Witness
against unlawful detention, searches & seizures.

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New Age Digital Defense
Against Authoritarianism

Constitutional Audit Videos
List of Constitutional Auditors
Constitutional audit videoing, and live streaming by Constitutional Activists has done more to change the authoritarian culture in our society in a few short years than has taken place in the past century.
It is important to note that each auditor has a different approach, or style if you will, when comes to doing their audits or investigations. Some are very cordial and professional, and some not so much. Either way however,
because these people are putting their lives on the line with every audit, and more often than not experience some sort of retaliation from The Powers That Be, you can be confident that they are well versed in the laws of the land, and the outcomes of these encounters more often than not end in The Walk Of Shame and litigation!
The point being, there is a wealth of information here worthy of your consideration that may be of help you when you encounter a rogue officer of the law. Use All Of It!
Your Rights are like Your Muscles, You can either Use them or Lose them!
Only unlike your muscles however, Your Rights WILL NOT Come Back!
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