Pedestrian Stops are the most common of stops among Constitutional Activists/Auditors, or anyone filming in public, and they are also the most legally simple to avoid!
The Supreme Court, and lower circuit courts, have made it crystal clear that "filming in public places" is a Constitutionally protected activity, and that you can film whatever the eye can see from a public place, because "there is no expectation of privacy when in public".
Now either most police officers are ignorant of constitutional law, which trumps all inferior laws including state and local laws, or they know the law and choose to ignore it by violating the rights of the citizenry to get the information they want.

You must ALWAYS remember that your ID is like crack to most police officers. And this because times have changed!
Do you remember "innocent until proven guilty"? Well, those days are LONG GONE!
What we have to day is "identify as many people as you can and lets see if we can pin a crime on them", so that they can move up the Tyrannical Promotional Ladder.
In order to do this however, they MUST lie to you (all quite legal if you are a part of the Blue Gang) and try to get you to say or do something self incriminating. Subsequently the Activist/Auditor must know the law and his or her rights in order for them to determine where their rights end and where the authority of the police begins. The videos below will help you to better understand your rights.