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This site IS NOT anti-police or anti-establishment, it is however very much anti-despotism.
We have the utmost respect for "civil servants"(paid by the citizenry) who honor their Oaths to the U.S. Constitution by holding up The Citizens (not the government's) Bill of Rights, and twice as much disdain for those "servants of the people" who would deprive any U. S. Citizen of the very rights they swore before God to uphold!

Our Mission: To Highlight Good civil Servants! and to Expose Despotic Quisling Servants who, either by ignorance or arrogance, violate their sworn Constitutional oaths by infringing on the rights of the people to advance their careers!
Exposing Authoritarian Tyrants
The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government. ~ Thomas Paine
The Use Of Authoritarian Intimidation Tactics On The Citizenry

The thing that amazes me most, is that exposing authoritarians is the simplest thing in the world. All you have to do is to challenge their "authority", which hurts their pride, which triggers the Narrative Arc.
Even in the most semi-rational police encounters, the trigger is ALWAYS identification, or more specifically not identifying yourself. The reason identifying citizens is like crack to most police is because they get to "seize" your private property, your identification, and run you through their system to see if anything pops up.
Its like playing slot machines. The more ID's they put in the system the better of their odds of hitting a jackpot becomes, and they will use any underhanded tactic to win. Custody & Convictions is the key to rising through the ranks and tyrants will do anything to keep ascending. And I mean ANYTHING!
To hear the police tell it, Constitutional Activists/Auditors are on the scene for the expressed purpose trying to bait authorities into a confrontation in the hope that the contact would lead to some kind of litigation down the road. A statement which is not completely without merit, at least on the surface. But ultimately it's left a court of law to make the ultimate decision as to who was at fault one way or the other.
You don't have to believe me, but at least do your due diligence to protect yourselves!
For many of us Baby Boomers, who were taught as children to respect, even to fear the law, the officers who enforce the law, and the legal system in general, because that's what they were taught! And this not out of respect, rather out of fear of fine or imprisonment, or worse.
You see, video documented evidence has done more to change the swing of the authoritarian pendulum in the courts in a few short years, and the descendants of Tammany Hall Don't Much Like It!
When you see an activist peacefully confront a judge, for example, on his turf (out of session of course) on a matter of law (usually trespassing or causing a disturbance), and that activist after being confronted by multiple tyrants, walks away, or even better stays after the "authorities" leave, should show you who was in the right and in the wrong.
These Activists are literally putting their lives on the line to keep our liberties from those who would abolish them. They are holding authorities accountable to their oaths of office and their subsequent duty to uphold the Constitution during their service to the citizenry.
The Biggest Problem?
Lack of Citizen Education

You would be AMAZED at how many Judges, Lawyers, Law Enforcement Officials, Federal Employees, State Employees, all the way down to local municipalities, do not know the laws they are charged by oath to uphold.
Personally, it's hard for me to believe that Law Enforcement agents in-particular, do not have full working knowledge of the laws they are sworn to uphold. Subsequently I have to believe that there are three basic groups of officers out there:
1) Those who honestly know and follow the law. (far and few between under the rank of LT)
2) Those who don't know the law, but believe they do.
3) Those who know the law and choose to ignore it.
Public Photography
People don't like being photographed in public, I get it.
The highest courts in the land however have, like it or not, have ruled that there is "no expectation of privacy in public". You see ones "feelings" should not, and do not, trump the law, and the police are law enforcement agents not feelings enforcement agents, .
The one of the most used statements by government despots is:
"oh, they are (Constitutional Activists/Auditors) just here to bate somebody into a law suit"
How can a professional law enforcement agent be "baited" into committing an unlawful act?
NO! The video evidence proves that far more often than not, be by ignorance of the law or indifference to it, it is the police that overstep their authority,
The irony of it all is that everyone is being tracked every moment of every day in public places by the very people who are trying to oppress them in the name of public safety and national security. But the average citizen doesn't seem to mind that because they do not believe that their government wouldn't do anything to put them in harms way.
Which I personally find to be hysterical, very saddening, and very frightening at the same time.
When a rational person hears and sees the truth, (video cameras + Law = no lies) they might begin to see that Constitutional Activists/Auditors, the people with cameras, not the people with the guns, tasers and pepper spray, wearing tactical vests, are the people who are putting themselves in harms way, defending the rights of The People by exercising theirs.
The real villains are those sworn an oath to God to protect and defend our Constitutional rights, specifically The Bill of CITIZENS Rights, as free law abiding citizens, and trample them literally under foot, at their good pleasure, to maintain their perceived "authority" over the citizenry!
Yes, patriots are "trouble makers" in the eyes of Tyrants and/or an uninformed or indifferent citizenry,
and we stand tall and proud against Tyrannical Authoritarian Enemies both foreign and domestic.
Trouble Makers because we resist unlawful "authorities!
Just as our Founding Fathers Said in Agreement:
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
This site is dedicated to digital revolutionaries, the heroes of our age!
The Constitutional Activists/Auditors/Bloggers