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Education Is Key

Writer's picture: Bill MullinsBill Mullins

The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.

As you watch more and more videos a few things become blatantly clear, whether we like it or not.

The most obvious of which is that auditors really do know the laws better than those charged with and empowered to enforce them. And that their ignorance is the actual cause of most "disturbances".

How do we know this to be true? Are you watching these videos without bias and understanding what you are seeing?


An auditor walks into a public building filming (Clearly Constitutional), they do not enter into "Clearly" Restricted areas, or zoom in on people while they are transacting business.

The first thing they normally hear from "authorities" is; "you can't film in here". Not true!

Now I can "in a way" understand that "the general public" might feel as if their privacy is being invaded. And those in Authority need to know better, and train their staff to know the law.

But that's not how it works!

For example, if you watch a post office audit video or two you may have heart the words Poster 7 mentioned. These are the Rules and Regulations Governing Conduct on Postal Service Property, which CLEARLY states the legality of the practice under FEDERAL LAW.

Yet, even after reading their own document, postal officials, as well as law enforcement officials, try to find a way around the law because their pride is injured. They Bark We Jump. Nope!

Even after learning that the filming is legal they try to enforce "feelings". People are uncomfortable because they do not understand the law, and even more so because their "authority" has been challenged and negated. "Public Servants" really think that they are above the people because of some perceived power over them.

So even education, in most cases, is an exercise in futility, mostly because the truth has become subjective in our society, and "Law Enforcement" has become "Feelings Enforcement". Peoples feelings (including the authorities feelings) now trump all of the Constitutional Rights of The People!

The Constitution is clear as to our rights as free citizens. With regard to filming in public buildings in non restricted areas. LEGAL, filming federal, local, state, and federal buildings, including military bases, in public from public areas. LEGAL Plain View Doctrine

However, this can all change when the US Constitution is amended or is no more. But until that time the law is the law, like it or not, and we are ALL compelled to comply. And to comply with the law you have to know the law. But No One BUT Auditors are even trying to teach civil rights. Even police departments are not teaching the thing that all law enforcement and civil officers pledge an oath to, The US Constitution! But what do oaths, honor or integrity mean today's society really?

The AMAZING part of ALL of this is:

People are being watched wherever they go today. In public buildings there are security cameras everywhere, but people don't care about that. They don't care that America is turning into China, as far as being an authoritarian state is concerned. They don't care about the governments intruding in EVERY aspect of your life. They don't care period!

If it doesn't effect their delicate sensibilities, it's all good, if they get their feathers ruffled however, it's a whole other ball game. They don't care if you get beat down, bloodied, or arrested. They are so used to jumping when "authorities" bark at you that you don't even question their authority. It's like a form of Stockholm Syndrome.

Be that as it may, the historical evidence proves that these "citizens" will learn sooner than later, by then however, it will be too late. Their rights will be gone, their liberty will be gone, and they will be under the thumbs of a soulless tyrannical authoritarian government controlling every breath you take. Good Luck With That!

This is why video and live streaming starting to have an effect. Bad Cops cost this township $325,000. Betcha they start teaching their officers the law and rights of the citizens now!



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