Your Constitutional Rights are like muscles, if you don't use them, you lose them!
You may or may not have noticed that over the past few decades the Constitutional rights of "We The People" have been systematically eroded by the torrential waters of tyrannic authoritarianism.
Why is this happening?
Ignorance of the law and/or indifference to it!
Citizens are unaware of their rights because they stopped teaching civics in school. The Police, the people charged by oath to protect and defend the Constitution, are either ignorant of the law or chose to ignore it.
Why Constitutional Activists/Auditors are the last line of defense against authoritarian abuse of power through lies and intimidation.
Now I know MANY many people feel "uncomfortable" with being filmed in public, and I get it. I also know that the "authorities" feel likewise, but for a completely different reason. Most people do not know the law, and I'm sure that many have heard it said that ignorance of the law is no excuse to break the law. Well the same standard is applicable to those who "enforce" the law.
You see, the people do not like the 1st Amendment Audits because they, out of ignorance, honestly believe it violates their right to privacy. But the police don't like them because they document every lie and every act of intimidation that authorities use to gain personal private information protected by the 4th Amendment.
Let me ask you this question:
IF it's the Auditors who are breaking the law, why are so many cases being dismissed and why are the auditors subsequently WINNING so many lawsuits against townships, municipalities, states, and even against the federal government?
Police wear body cams to document their actions, but this is not required in every part of every US state, therefore shouldn't you have and use one as a matter of record to protect your rights and life Don't believe me?
This has been going on in America sinse 1789, the days of Tammany Hall.
(New York City Democratic political organization formed in opposition to the Federalist Party)
About The Narrative
They (auditors) are just here to cause trouble and provoke us to get law suit money!
Now when you watch the audit videos, most auditors act calmly, respectfully, and lawfully. Yes there are some who are more confrontational and try to goat police into action. However, albeit I personally find it distasteful to curse and verbally abuse officers, IF they are not doing so to you, IT IS NOT ILLEGAL to do so. We are not here to discuss or judge peoples "feelings", this is about the law and the education of those who are out of the know.
Think This Can't Happen To You?
Watch this wolf pack form to harass this citizen exiting public property!