Sean Paul Reyes, a Constitutional activist who conducts 1st Amendment Audits and public employee accountability checks on Long Island, the East coast and in YOUR neighborhood.

I've been following Mr Reyes for about 2-3 years now and my observations are:
He knows how to do his job. He is direct without being agressive or confrontational, in fact, he's almost always respectful, even when being confronted by multipal agressive officers,and he knows his (our) Constitutional Rights, as well as how and when to apply them.
He is not wealthy, has no political power, and doesn't have the main stream media backing him up. What he does have however is a lot of guts, and a sizable following. Which means that he has influance!
How did he get this influance?
By standing up for EVERY American's civil liberties and exposing tryranical desportic officers. Those rights guaranteed to the citizenry by the US Constitution. The same Constitutional rights that every public official swears an oath, before God, to protect and defend.
Because Mr Reyes has done this:
The qusiling representitives of government do this:
The Bottom Line is:
Enough recorded violations, enough law suites won, enough officers fired and or imprisoned for violating their oaths & enough citizens educated, and you get change!