This IS NOT an American Flag!

The flag of the United States shall be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white; and the union of the flag shall be forty-eight stars, white in a blue field. 4 U.S. Code 1
This is something other than an American Flag!
Why "The Blue Oyster Cult"?
Because what I have learned since I began researching Constitutional Activism/Auditing is that albeit there are indeed "good cops" the bad ones seem to far outnumber the good ones. And even the good ones are not so good because they have ALL sworn an oath, before God, to uphold the U.S. Constitution, and if one stands by and watches another officer violate the rights of a citizen, he or she has become a Quisling (named after Vidkun Quisling, is a person who betrays his or her own country <oath> by aiding an enemy).
Another thing I've learned is that most "law enforcement officers" around the world seem to be reading from the exact same script. From their approach to the scene, to their line of questioning, to their general demeanor, they all seem to be in lockstep. Stop & Identify!
Subsequently, I now refer to police as The Blue Oyster Cult because:
1) most of their uniforms are BLUE,
2) most of them are oysters (soft-bodied invertebrates typically with a hard shell). In other words, because they (bad cops) are spineless cowards who carry guns, tasers, pepper spray, handcuffs, and wear body armor, who hide behind their badges and prey on the rights of uninformed citizens through lies and deceptions, and lastly because a "cult" is a group or movement held together by a shared commitment to a charismatic leader or ideology.
It has a belief system that has the answers to all legal questions, and offers a special solution to be gained only by following their rules (not the Constitution).
"Obey or Be Arrested"!
Just watch the videos! They don't lie!
Yes some auditors and or other citizens can be brash, crude, and downright nasty, but none of that is illegal. In fact it (cursing at officers or anyone for that matter, like it or not, is an activity protected by the Constitution.
But what about the good Activists/Auditors who are polite, and respectful, even when the police are not? What about the MANY dropped charges and subsequent victories in litigation costing the tax payers a great deal of money because of the illegal activity of "public servants"?
The narrative is; "they are just here to cause trouble"!
So these professional law enforcement officers, who claim to know why Auditors are there, can't seem to keep their egos in check, end up breaking the law they are sworn to uphold, and knowingly violate the rights of the citizenry so they can get an arrest and or hopefully a conviction in their jackets.
If you watch the videos you will notice that most officers around the world hold to the very same ideologies and tactics, right down to the verbiage and actions. This isn't a joke and people had better begin to take this seriously. Lest we become Nazis, Socialists or Communists.