How to tell a Good Cop
From a Bad Cop

Rule #1 - Keep Calm
Rule #2 - Watch The Approaching Officer's Gate
Rule #3 - Look At The Eyes
Rule #4 - Listen To The Words
Rule #5 - Watch Body Language
Rule #6 - Take Note of Your Treatment
If and when you are facing interrogation by the police, keep in mind that the expectation of the court is that any confession given will be voluntary.
However, in order to elicit a voluntary confession police officers can (by law) often use deceitful tactics, such as lies and intimidation, to trick you into incriminating yourselves with your words and or actions. Read More Here

Are there good cops?
Yes! But often their hands are tied for a number of reasons.
Reasons such as? Ask Francesco Vincent Serpico
Frank Serpico: "We're still operating on all draconian thug squad principles about how many people you can lock up instead of how many people can you keep out of jail".
When you watch these videos objectively, you will see for yourselves that the REAL danger to your personal liberties, aside from the obviously unhinged authoritarian officials, comes from the smiling, I'm here to protect and defend you cop-speak officers who gain your trust through deception, and then wait for a slip up (say or do something) to hold you.
Police advance through the ranks by C&C (Crimes and Convictions), Maybe promotions should be based on the least amount of criminal complaints against an officer? Maybe, but the problem is obviously systemic. Wrongful Conviction Statistics
So what exactly does one do to protect him or herself from wrongful prosecution?
It is your 1st Amendment Right to film public officials during the course of their doing their jobs, AS LONG AS you are not interfering with them LEGALLY. Cameras do not lie and are the best witnesses that you can have in a court of law!
The more you say the more apt you are to saying something that an officer can used against you in a court of law. Your Right to Remain Silent is your best defense against self incrimination.
If you KNOW that your ducks are in a row, and that your rights are definitely being violated, resist all unlawful orders. You have the law, and the proof, on your side. HOWEVER, if you are not 100% sure, back down until you are sure. Live free to fight another day!
Now ANYONE who knows me knows that I support the our civil servants and law enforcement 100%, providing that they are not authoritarian tyrants. These people need to be reminded of who is the employee and who is the public servant, and that outside of the laws of the land these people have ABSOLUTELY no control over the citizenry UNLESS the citizen yields their rights to them knowingly or unknowingly.
Retaliation can come in many forms, and when you stand against an authoritarian tyrant to preserve your liberties, especially if you are charged and those charges are dismissed, or if you litigate and win against those authorities, it would be prudent to be expect some form of retaliation from them.
The pressures from the powers that be brought upon the citizenry, and good cops, to simply "comply" with their orders and directives, be they legal orders or arbitrary ones, can feel overwhelming at times. I mean here you are, a mom and/or a dad, perhaps with children in your vehicle or simply walking down the street, when you are confronted by "officers of the law" who have no regard for your rights or your person, and are looking to advance their careers by adding C&C's to their file. What do you do?
All of the above. If you are wise!
Watch The Best There Is, SEAN PAUL REYES of Long Island Audit: